Global South Committee for Open Science Recruitment Form 2024

We’re looking to recruit new members to join our Global South Committee for Open Science.

The Global South Committee for Open Science brings together researchers from countries and regions with shared socio-economic and political challenges in the global south, often resulting in limited representation and influence on critical issues in the wider academic publishing landscape. This group plays a crucial role in guiding eLife's efforts to enhance participation in science communication and innovation. It serves as a cornerstone in improving opportunities for Global South researchers and expanding eLife's outreach and support in these regions. We welcome applications from researchers and staff scientists who meet the criteria as stipulated here. Please read before applying.

By submitting your information through this application form you are giving your consent for us to use the data in our applications.

If you have any questions or comments about this form, please contact

About you
Contact details
In case we are unable to reach you via your primary email
Your career stage and field of study
PhD student, medical student, postdoc, assistant professor etc.
Your application section

Use this space to tell us why you are enthusiastic to join the Global South Committee for Open Science, and how you would contribute to our work.

Please note that we will only put forward for assessment the first 200 words of any statements.

It would help us to know if you have an experience contributing to other groups - formal or informal - in the sphere of research culture and science communication, so please list here if relevant.

In your response, please address: a) Your past experiences in promoting open science, including specific initiatives you've led or participated in b) Your vision for advancing open science in the Global South and your community
More about you

We are committed to forming and empowering communities within eLife that reflect the diversity of the international research communities that we serve. We welcome candidates of all abilities, backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, genders, races and sexual orientations.

Please note that providing information in this section of the form is optional. Any details you provide here will be viewed only by eLife’s executive staff in the Communities Team to help manage the applications, shortlisting and elections process. It will be deleted no later than three months after the election process is closed.

Family educational background
No single question can comprehensively capture someone’s socio-economic background, but this specific question will help us begin to develop a broader understanding and to compare with existing statistics.
We define this as someone who studied for an undergraduate degree or equivalent and whose parents or guardians had, at that time, not attended university or college to study for an undergraduate degree or equivalent.
Race and ethnicity
Race and ethnicity are two concepts related to human ancestry; both are social constructs and thus the products of their social context. Language is constantly evolving and there are a number of terms in use around race and ethnicity. Your answers to the following questions should be based on how you identify.
Trans is an umbrella term for people whose identity differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. People under the trans umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms – including transgender.
Sexual orientation
Disability and long-term health conditions
The next two questions ask about disability and long-term conditions in different ways. Asking about disability is complex, and these questions will help us to develop a broader understanding and compare with existing statistics. Please answer each question separately and don’t feel that your answer to one should determine your answer to the other.